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Welcome to Forest Grove!


Welcome to our Falcon Community!


Being in a new place can be both exciting and overwhelming. Here at Forest Grove, we do our best to make the transition as easy as possible. 


If you are a Military Family, please visit the PGUSD website HERE for helpful information.


While we am sure you are looking for some basic stuff like supply list (see our Flyers and Forms page), etc., below you will find a lot of helpful information about Forest Grove Elementary School and the Pacific Grove area. You may also download this information by selecting our Falcon Fact Sheet here.

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Falcon Friends

Because we want to help make you and your family feel comfortable right away, we have an amazing group called Falcon Friends, to help answer any questions you might have and introduce you to some friendly faces at Forest Grove. 


Please fill out our contact form if you would like us to introduce you to your own special Falcon Friend. 


During School

Colors/Falcon Fridays

We are the Falcons and our school colors are Forest Green and White. Show your Falcon pride every Friday by wearing your green and white or your Falcon Spirit Wear!


Falcon Awards 

Falcon Awards are given monthly by the teachers to students who personify certain qualities that the campus community is focusing on: caring, sharing, etc.  Falcon Awards are revealed during campus assemblies and students are honored with their photo in the school office. 

Falcon Feathers

Falcon Feathers are green notes passed out by the adults on campus to students to acknowledge good behavior.  Students might earn a Falcon Feather by picking up trash, helping another student, etc. 

Yellow Jackets

Not the flying kind to be afraid of!  Yellow Jackets are our way of letting the kids spot the adult supervisors during recess, lunch and after school.  Yellow Jackets can also be found in our Before and After School Recreation Program, and they are also great people to find if you have questions on campus, which leads us to...

After School


There is no great way to say this acronym! BASRP stands for Before and After School Recreation Program. BASRP provides child care before and after school, features games, homework help and a safe place to start and finish the school day. 

After School Enrichment

Be on the lookout for the announcement of After School Enrichment Classes!  These popular sessions are held several times through the year at both Forest Grove and Robert Down (the other elementary school in P.G.). Classes offer a variety of topics - from guitar, dance, yoga, art to chess.  Classes fill on a First Come First Served basis, so don't delay in signing up for these classes.  There is a fee for the these classes. 


Just Run

Afterschool, volunteer run program for k-5 students to play games, run laps and practice physical fitness.  Usually held afterschool on Thursdays 2:00-3:00 from late January through March.

Campus and Parking

Campus Layout

Our campus is organized in several levels.  In order from Congress Avenue going up to Forest Lodge Road, we start with the Kindergarten Level.


The main gathering space of 1-5 grades is called First Level.  


The area above the library with handball and basketball courts is Second Level.  


Third Level is the green grass playing fields.



We ask that parents drop off and pick up their students in the back parking lot above the Third Level, accessed off of Forest Lodge Road.  This allows for safe bus loading and unloading in the front of campus.


Friends of Forest Grove PTA

1065 Congress Ave

Pacific Grove, CA 93950

Tel: 831-646-6560

Tax I.D. Number - 94-6171945




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© 2020 Friends of Forest Grove PTA

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